Professional Lawn Care 101


Everyone wants their lawn to look better and thus, they're searching for tips or even suggestion on how they can maintain their lawn regularly without sacrificing their day to day activities. In the following paragraphs, you are about to discover effective and simple tips that can turn your lawn to something that is truly wonderful.


Lawn Fertilizer - your lawn should have spring feed most especially the one that has nitrogen and backed it up with both potash and phosphates. As a responsible owner, you have got to know that feeding it on a yearly basis will not be enough. If the lawn appears to be a bit jaded, then it should have either a nitrogen rich fertilize or a proprietary lawn tonic here.


Watering your Lawn - keeping the roots be supplied with the moisture it needs can be provided by rainfall. But dry spells sometimes occur throughout summer months and even in late spring. There are several ways that you can know drought is happening like the change of color from green to brown or even straw. It is strongly recommended that you water your lawn at the coolest time of day and then, partner it with rotary sprinkler.


Watering your lawn at least once a week is the most preferable unless it's extremely hot, then you ought to do it more often. If you are going to do this, then it will help in developing deep roots.

Weed Control - for your lawn care management, this will play a vital role. With established lawn that's laid with quality turf or seed, the rules to maintain it will include appropriate mowing at correct height and proper watering especially during dry spell.


Not only that, if you want to control the weeds and invigorate the lawn growth, then scarifying it should be done. Good fertility helps in building the strength of grass while fighting the growth of weeds. Weed seeds are lured to worm casts which is the reason why it is essential to have worm control.


Mowing your Lawn - your lawn will look nice and attractive by mowing it regularly. Because of this, experts recommend that the mowing must regularly done in months of March to October. When mowing your lawn, see to it that you use sharp blades and try not to set it at very low level. When the grass is dry, that's the perfect time when to mow it because this can help reducing clogging in your mower.


Yes it is true that these said tips can maintain the beauty of your lawn, but if you want results that are can go beyond your expectations, then make sure to hire professional lawn care services from this website instead.